Take into consideration that a poet has to master or 'know' what poetry
is, how to read poetry, what to read and in which order, how to write,
who a poet is, imagery (seven kinds), all the figures of speech like
metaphor, metonymy, personification, simile, symbols, allegory,
understatement, hyperbole, irony (3 kinds), musical devices like rhythm,
stanza, meter, accent, stress, rime, alliteration, assonance,
consonance, onomatopoeia, euphony, cacophony, dissonance, melody ,harmony,
meanings, sound, tones, voice/s, style/s, structures, forms, allusion,
patterns, organization, design, art, artlessness, order, chaos,
presence, absence, diction, vocabulary, syntax, grammar, layers of
significance, denotation, connotation, atmosphere, ambiance, moods,
themes, settings, points of view, narrative techniques and along with
this have social, economic, mythical, archetypal, political, religious,
national, psychological, philosophical, sociological, aesthetic merits
and depths in terms of content meaning he must know Life and emotions
and feelings for the heart and then write poetry that partakes to the
best of his abilities in all this and more and one can see why poetry is
a very high calling second only to godliness. A great or real or
genuine or sincere poet is therefore a real god or creator, no doubt,
second only to God.